Categories Current Events
St. James' Park - Newcastle upon Tyne
10th & 11th June 2004
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View Video of last years event:
- Hi Res (Broadband).
- Lo Res (56k).
- Research/test new products
- Sell/market new products and services
- Tie in launches
- Build Partners/distributors
- Network
- Develop brand awareness
IT Works is the biggest, and best supported IT event in the North East and been running for several years. Now based at St. James' Park in the fabulous facilities we have overcome the issues of a new venue and new dates in 2003 with great support from our exhibitors and sponsors.
Again it will involve the universities of Newcastle, Northumbria, Teesside, support agencies UK Online, Business Link, One NorthEast & Tyne & Wear Development Co. the region's leading IT companies Onyx, Zebrahosts, KBR, IT Professional Services and many of the professional associations. We have been establishing stronger links with our key partners so that marketing material is integrated into a broad base of outputs. Basically a much bigger buy in from them. Lot more to achieve for next year and much is already in place to make this event even bigger and better.
Information on prices floor space and sponsorship options is available in the exhibition section. Exhibition space is just ?150 per square metre. Making this one of the most cost effective IT events in the UK.